Preparations have begun for the 2015 Manure sale
March 28th – Edith Cavell School parking lot (500 West 20th Ave)
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend from 8am – 2pm March 28th
This is a fun event and our big fundraiser for the year.
Please volunteer for one of the following positions by sending me an email.
I will provide instructions for all of these positions:
-delivery drivers with trucks (we’ll provide a gas card)
-cashiers on the day
-someone to buy, deliver and coordinate snacks
-someone to buy and deliver the pizza
-someone to buy and pick-up the bags in Richmond in advance
-someone with a heavy duty power washer
-someone to coordinate the filling of bags
-someone to coordinate the counting of bags
-someone to plot the deliveries
…and lots of beavers, cubs, scouts, venturers, rovers and family and friends to help shovel and deliver on the day!
Please order your manure here: soil/
In the past, several leaders and even parents have waited until the day with the idea of helping by buying the ‘extra’ manure. We always sell out so it’s much more helpful if you order early so that we know how much to buy and please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to do the same.
thanks, Steph (Hawkeye)